Gifted Evaluations

Gifted Evaluations

Children who are excelling significantly beyond their peers in school may require a more challenging educational environment or individualized instruction. In many schools, programs are designed to meet these academic needs. In public schools this is referred to as the “gifted program.” Private schools may have other names for an advanced program. These programs may challenge academically talented children and allow them to make the most of their abilities.

In order to identify which children qualify for gifted placement, public schools (and many private schools) require intelligence testing to be conducted. Intelligence testing measures different aspects of thinking ability, including working memory, processing speed, and verbal and nonverbal abilities. Regardless of whether your child meets the criteria for gifted programming, the evaluation will provide valuable information about your child’s strengths, growth edges, and learning style. 

My gifted evaluation includes the following:

A brief interview with parent/guardian(s) and child about academic history, learning style, and lifestyle behaviors. 


A standardized intelligence test.  

Preliminary verbal feedback is delivered following the administration of the test.



A written report in accordance with Miami-Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach County.


The opportunity for weekend appointments.


Testing through the public school district is dependent on a teacher’s recommendation and can be subject to long wait times. Private gifted testing can reduce the wait time for testing as well as receiving results. Private gifted testing gives you control over which time/day your child is tested so they can perform their best. It also gives you the ability to determine if the report becomes a part of the child’s academic records. 

to private gifted testing:


It can be difficult to advocate for the academic needs of your child while balancing your own life and work. I provide concierge services to deliver at-home gifted testing for an additional fee. It is important to remember that a designated quiet space must be established, free from siblings, pets, and other distractions. Schedule a free consultation call to see if this would be a good fit for your family. 

Concierge Gifted Testing

Concierge gifted testing can help...

Save time by not driving to your appointment


Reduce stress by bypassing traffic and parking hassles


Make the child feel comfortable during testing


Attendance: Parents and children do not need to miss work and school. Weekend appointments are available.


Please note:

My private gifted evaluations meet requirements for both public and private school’s gifted placement. 

Choosing private gifted testing does not ensure your child will qualify for gifted placement.

The same intelligence test cannot be administered for 12 months. If you or your child is being re-tested, please let me know in advance.

An IQ score of 130 or more is a requirement for gifted placement.